WTC Turku Club meeting
Tiedepuiston alue KupittaaClub meeting in May, only for Club members - register here. Toukokuun klubitapaaminen, vain klubin jäsenille - ilmoittaudu mukaan tästä.
Club meeting in May, only for Club members - register here. Toukokuun klubitapaaminen, vain klubin jäsenille - ilmoittaudu mukaan tästä.
The Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club is meant for you, who wants a different way to network, learn and get the required advantage in growing your business, professional expertise and knowledge. In the Akateeminen and WTC Turku Book Club we read classic business books, new releases on economics and various publications on professional and […]
Aamupäivän tilaisuudessa aiheena Argentiinan, Brasilian ja Meksikon markkinoiden tilanne ja näkymät suurlähettiläiden kertomana. Lisäksi Business Finlandin edustajat kertovat tarkemmin kaivos-, meri- ja terveysteknologiamarkkinoista ja kuulemme myös suomalaisen Norsepowerin menestystarinan Latinalaisessa Amerikassa toimimisesta. Tilaisuuden lopulla kahvitarjoilu ja aikaa keskustelulle ja verkostoitumiselle. OHJELMA: 10:00 Tilaisuuden avaus ja tervetuloa - Heidi Virta, Senior Director , Business Finland 10:05 […]
The Akateeminen & WTC Turku book club is the newest way in the Turku region to network, learn and get the extra advantage in growing your business, professional expertise and knowledge. In the Akateeminen and WTC Turku book club we read classic business books, new releases on economics and various publications on professional and personal […]
Suomen Belgian ja Luxembourgin suurlähettiläs Jouko Leinonen ja Suomen Alankomaiden suurlähettiläs Ilkka-Pekka Similä kertovat maiden markkinamahdollisuuksista suomalaisyrityksille. Tule mukaan kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan! OHJELMA: 9.00 Tervetuloa 9.05 Puheenvuorot Jouko Leinonen, Suomen Belgian ja Luxembourgin suurlähettiläs Ilkka-Pekka Similä, Suomen Alankomaiden suurlähettiläs 10.00 Yrityscase: Alankomaiden markkinoille Q Power Oy Sami Lakio, Myyntijohtaja Q Power Oy 10.30 Q&A 11.00 […]
!!! ATTENTION: PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF VENUE TO MINISTERI AUDITORIUM, BIOCITY, TYKISTÖKATU 6, 20520 TURKU Ambassador of Finland to the UAE Tuula Yrjölä and Business Finland together with H. E. Amna Fikri, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Finland, have the pleasure to invite Finnish companies interested in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), […]
Ajankohtaiset aiheet ja mielenkiintoiset puheenvuorot, kontakteja ja verkostoitumista, oppeja ja onnistumisia. SAVE the DATE.
The Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club is there for you to network, learn and get the extra advantage in growing your business, professional expertise and knowledge. We read classic business books, new releases on economics and various publications on professional and personal development. We’ll meet live every few months at the Akateeminen store in […]
WHAT: LIVE WEBINAR + Q& A - DOING BUSINESS IN THE NETHERLANDS - OPENING DOORS TO EUROPE WHEN: 31 October 2024 at 10:00-10:45 (CET) WHERE: MS Teams COST: Free (Registration Required) Webinar organized by WTC Twente. We’re excited to feature Yessica Slagter from Damsté laywers and notaries, Arjen Ploegman from de Jong & Laan international […]
This event is in English. The next Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club meeting is on Weddensay, 27th November at 15.00. As previously, we'll meet at the Akateeminen store in Turku (Yliopistonkatu 27, 20100 Turku). WHAT: Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club WHEN: Wednesday 27.11.2024 WHERE: Akateeminen, Yliopistonkatu 27, 20100 Turku In our last meeting, the group seleceted […]
Are you interested in exploring new business opportunities in Central Europe? Join us on Wednesday-afternoon, December 11th, 2024, for an inspiring in-person event at Vierailukeskus Joki, where we dive into the dynamic markets of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. This event is designed for everyone looking to start or grow their business in […]
Join us for a quick webinar with laser focus on Spain and Italy. WTC Turku Partner Columdae, an export and business expansion expert, will be sharing insights on sectors, approach and business cultural issues in these countries. Program: Welcome and introduction of Columdae (5mins) by Kari Mäkeläinen, Columdae Senior Consultant Business opportunities in Spain: sectors, […]