WTC & EEN afternoon: Denmark Business Landscape

Vierailukeskus Joki Lemminkäisenkatu 12B, Turku, Suomi

Join us for an afternoon focusing on Denmark and how to expand your business to this Nordic market. The event is meant for everyone who is interested in learning more about the Danish business landscape and is considering starting business operations in Denmark. Program: 14.00 Networking and coffee 14.15 Presentations Networks supporting your international growth […]

WTC Turku Club Lunch

Tiedepuiston alue Kupittaa

This event is either in Finnish or in English depending on the attendees' preference. WTC Turku Club members meet over lunch. PROGRAM: INTRODUCTIONS OPEN FLOOR AND COMPANY CASE STUDIES WISHES FOR THE CLUB ACTIVITIES WITHIN 2024 Registration for this event is open only for members, who will get an invitation separately. Email us if you'd […]

Polar Bear Pitching Turku livestream

We're joining the epic Polar Bear Pitching experience by Streaming the Avanto Competition! Polar Bear Pitching is the coolest startup event in Oulu, where startups have anopportunity to pitch without a timelimit, but under one condition–they have to do it from a real ice hole (fin. “avanto”)! While the pitchers shiver in the ice water to […]

Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club

Akateeminen Yliopistonkatu 27, Turku, Finland

The Akateeminen & WTC Turku book club is the newest way in the Turku region to network, learn and get the extra advantage in growing your business, professional expertise and knowledge. In the Akateeminen and WTC Turku book club we read classic business books, new releases on economics and various publications on professional and personal […]

WTC & EEN afternoon: Norway market

Vierailukeskus Joki Lemminkäisenkatu 12B, Turku, Suomi

Review of the Norway business landscape takes place on Wednesday, 13.3.2024 at 14.00-15.30 at Visitor Centre Joki. The focus of the afternoon is Norway, and how to expand your business to this Nordic market. This event is meant for everyone who is interested in learning more about the Norwegian market and are looking to start […]

WTC Turku Club Lunch

Tiedepuiston alue Kupittaa

This event is either in Finnish or in English depending on the attendees’ preference. WTC Turku Club members meet over lunch. PROGRAM: INTRODUCTIONS OPEN FLOOR AND COMPANY CASE STUDIES PLANNING CLUB ACTIVITIES 2024 Register for the lunch and/or club here.

Viennin ja ulkomaankaupan rahoitus

Vierailukeskus Joki Lemminkäisenkatu 12B, Turku, Suomi

This event is in Finnish. Tässä iltapäivän tilaisuudessa keskitymme ulkomaankaupan rahoitukseen, maksuliikenteeseen, saatavien varmistamiseen ja takauksiin. Tapahtuma on tarkoitettu kaikille, joille rahoitusvaihtoehdot, kansainvälinen maksuliikenne ja muu kansainväliseen liiketoimintaan liittyvä rahaliikenne on ajankohtaista nyt tai tulevaisuudessa. Tapahtumassa pääset keskustelemaan suoraan oikeiden asiantuntijoiden kanssa, ja kuulemaan ajankohtaiset uutiset koskien ulkomaankaupan ja viennin rahoitusta. Ohjelma 13.30 Kahvia ja […]

WTC Turku Club meeting

Tiedepuiston alue Kupittaa

April club meeting over lunch. PROGRAM: INTRODUCTIONS OPEN FLOOR AND COMPANY CASE STUDIES INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CLUB VISITS AND CO-OPERATION LUNCH IS AVAILABLE AT THE EVENT. The club meeting is meant only for the members of the WTC Turku Club. Register for the event here. Are you not yet a member? Register as a club member […]

Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club

Akateeminen Yliopistonkatu 27, Turku, Finland

The Akateeminen & WTC Turku book club is the newest way in the Turku region to network, learn and get the required advantage in growing your business, professional expertise and knowledge. In the Akateeminen and WTC Turku book club we read classic business books, new releases on economics and various publications on professional and personal […]

WTC & EEN afternoon: the Netherlands market

Vierailukeskus Joki Lemminkäisenkatu 12B, Turku, Suomi

This event is in Finnish. We'll focus on the Netherlands market during the in-person afternoon event. The event is meant for everyone who is planning to start or grow their business in the Netherlands. Program: 14.00 Welcome by WTC & EEN 14.10 Opening words - Honorary consul for the Netherlands, CEO of Turku Chamber of […]

WTC Turku Club meeting

Tiedepuiston alue Kupittaa

Club meeting in May, only for Club members - register here. Toukokuun klubitapaaminen, vain klubin jäsenille - ilmoittaudu mukaan tästä.

Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club

Akateeminen Yliopistonkatu 27, Turku, Finland

The Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club is meant for you, who wants a different way to network, learn and get the required advantage in growing your business, professional expertise and knowledge. In the Akateeminen and WTC Turku Book Club we read classic business books, new releases on economics and various publications on professional and […]