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Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club

04.06.2024 @ 15:00 - 16:30

Huomaathan, että kirjapiiri on kokonaisuudessaan englanninkielinen.
The Akateeminen & WTC Turku Book Club is meant for you, who wants a different way to network, learn and get the required advantage in growing your business, professional expertise and knowledge. In the Akateeminen and WTC Turku Book Club we read classic business books, new releases on economics and various publications on professional and personal development. We’ll meet live every few months at the Akateeminen store in Turku (Yliopistonkatu 27, 20100 Turku) to share our opinions and insights on the most recent book.
On Tuesday, June 4th, we’ll meet at 15.00 to discuss the book that was decided on in the April meeting. In addition, we’ll get our summer reading list!
During the book club meeting at the store, Akateeminen offers the participants a 20% discount on books, stationery and artists’ supplies.
Please note that the book club meetings are in English.
Also nota that the books are not provided, but need to be purchased by the participants themselves.
It is free of charge to join the meetings, just register in advance by clicking here!


15:00 - 16:30


World Trade Center Turku
Näytä Järjestäjä WWW-sivusto


Yliopistonkatu 27
Turku, 20100 Finland
+ Google Map